Cinemovel Foundation

Cinegame, here comes the first interactive tale written and interpreted by 300 students is now online! 

The Cinegame platform collects the interactive adventures created by middle school students from schools in Ancona, Bari, Città di Castello, Milan, Palermo and Rovellasca, all part of Saltaclasse Workshops, under the creative direction of filmmakers and screenwriters Davide Barletti and Gabriele Gianni.

Saltaclasse Workshops are part of the project  #tu6scuola (youRschool), promoted by CIAI as lead organization, designed and developed by Cinemovel Foundation,  in partnership with Ed-Work for the educational-pedagogical part, Gnucoop for the development of the online platform, and a greater partnership of 26 subjects.

Saltaclasse workshops are born from Cinemovel’s experience with the projects Schermi in Classe and The Magic Box. These two projects are dedicated to the training of younger generations thanks to new communication technologies. Student experience (and learn) how old and new media can interact to connect them to experiences both from their past and their present. In this multimedia environment students have also the opportunity to be hands on, developing their own ideas while working on relevant issues as well as experiencing the actual work of content development and production.

From 2018 and through 2021, Cinemovel is engaging with 300 students, girls and boys in their youngest grade of middle school. Thanks to Saltaclasse Workshops, students will create Cinegames: crossroads model interactive video games, in which the classic techniques of story telling mix up with the narrative of gaming.

Cinegame techniques take inspiration from several artists and genres: proto-cinema as a way of mixing traditional fictional filmmaking with the narrative of documentary,  the play of light and shadows sublimed in cinema early years by French illusionist and film director Georges Méliès, whom initiated the use of story boards in filmmaking, or  the shadow theatre.

The students, accompanied by Cinemovel team and their teachers, create stories, build the settings and then go through the different creative phases: from the construction of the props and costumes to the interpretation in front of the video camera.

To create a Cinegame gives to each school the possibility to build its own map  between reality and fantasy. This map will represent their unique way to deal with stories, legends, anecdotes, real world events with their own historical background, thus leaving the space for imaginary and ideal worlds to emerge. 

The Cinegame is a space-time journey where you can make choices, and build your own experience made of objects and emotions. The aim is to show and increase awareness in younger generations on the role they play into society and how your own experiences and actions can affect others and leave a trace in the world we live in.

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