Cinemovel Foundation

Tag Archive for enrico fontana


  “RIFIUTOPOLI Poisons and antidotes” is still on the road. The story of Enrico Fontana and the artistic performance of Vito Baroncini, go on on a series of events to reflect on the way we consume, starting from the waste we produce and how we handle it. The conferences are also a way to foster…

“The Undergound World” according to Enrico Fontana

Enrico Fontana* started narrating the world of “Rifiutopoli” (waste country) in 1984 after he discovered that waste “would be discarded even in the most beautiful of places, where you would expect to see only butterflies, not waste”. “Rifiutopoli” became the story of an underground world, where waste is corrupting nature at its core. This story…